How to Turn Your Computer Into a DLNA Media Server
Hooking up your computer to your TV can be as simple or as complex as you want. A basic setup lets you stream the occasional Web video, while a more advanced rig lets you access movie and music Getting started with Windows Media Center - Windows Help Jan 23, 2019 Use an LCD Monitor As a TV Without a Computer : 5 Steps
May 28, 2018
Set up Your AT&T TV Device and Remote - ATT TV Support
Set your TV to the correct input for HDMI, and the laptop should automatically configure to provide the best settings. If your laptop does not automatically output its screen to the TV, go to your Desktop, Right-click your mouse, and go to Display Settings > Display > Adjust Resolution, you can also get there by going to the Control Panel.
Use your TV as a computer monitor: Everything you need to Mar 12, 2020 Set up a TV signal in Windows Media Center - Windows Help