How do I connect to the internet on my ps3 from my Android

How do I connect to the internet on my ps3 from my Android Jan 23, 2013 FAQ - Trend Micro Web Security Service for PS3™ Trend Micro Web Security for PS3™ prevents the PS3™ Internet browser from opening fraudulent and other unsafe websites. What kinds of websites will Trend Micro Kids Safety for PS3™ block? Trend Micro Kids Safety for PS3™ can block websites that fall into these categories: adult (sexual), alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs, crime, cults

How to hook up PS3 internet useing ethernet cable? (4 answers)

How to improve your PS3 connection to the internet and Aug 24, 2011

Well, TheEndless, that is not always the case with ps3's after your ps3 had picked up the wireless router, you might need to enter a WPA key or a WEP key, enter your WPA/WEP key. if your wireless router does not have a security code, (WPA/WEP key) do not enter one. then carry on as TheEndless did

You can put your PS3 online easily via wireless. If you have a wireless router, either aftermarket or one provided by your high-speed Internet provider. You can sync the PS3 through the router quite simply in the Network menu in the PS3. You can also hard wire the PS3, which is running a wire from the router directly to the PS3. Select Settings→Network Settings on the XMB and click the X button. Now you'll need to provide your router's security settings. If the PS3 is connected to a modem using an Ethernet cable, the wireless function will be turned off. May 09, 2010 · I'm soooooo confused i have looked at all the tutorials on the internet but i don't understand anything, all these words like wep key, browser, ip adress,router. I don't have a clue what any of them mean. Could somebody please tell me how to get wireless internet on my ps3, by explaining everything in detail. I have a windows Vista if that helps. thanks 4 the link but i cant find how to do it. is there anyway i can get the ps3 to red the IP address? Thank you. 3. Thank you. A few words of thanks would be